Multiple datasets per annulus (3C186)ΒΆ

A second example illustrates the use of deproject for a multi-obsid observation of 3C186. It also shows how to set a background model for fitting with the cstat statistic. The extracted spectral data for this example are not yet publicly available, but were used in Siemiginowska et al. 2010:

The script starts with some setup:

>>> import deproject

>>> radii = ('2.5', '6', '17')
>>> dep = deproject.Deproject(radii=[float(x) for x in radii])

>>> set_method("levmar")
>>> set_stat("cstat")

Now we read in the data as before with dep.load_pha(). The only difference to the M87 example is the additional loop over the obsids. The dep.load_pha() function automatically extracts the obsid (the identifier used to discriminate Chandra observations) from the file header. This is used later in the case of setting a background model.

>>> obsids = (9407, 9774, 9775, 9408)
>>> for ann in range(len(radii)  -1):
...     for obsid in obsids:
...         dep.load_pha('3c186/%d/ellipse%s-%s.pi' % (obsid, radii[ann], radii[ann+1]), annulus=ann)

Create and configure the source model expression as usual:

>>> dep.set_source('xsphabs*xsapec')
>>> dep.ignore(None, 0.5)
>>> dep.ignore(7, None)
>>> dep.freeze("xsphabs.nh")

>>> dep.set_par('xsapec.redshift', 1.06)
>>> dep.set_par('xsphabs.nh', 0.0564)

Set the background model (here we use the IPython %run magic command to evaluate the commands in the file

>>> %run
>>> acis_s_bkg = get_bkg_source()
>>> dep.set_bkg_model(acis_s_bkg)

Fit the projection model:
